Projektübersicht Filter nach Förderbereich Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries Mobility of higher education students and staff Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training Short-term projects for mobility of staff in adult education VET learner and staff mobility Cooperation partnerships in youth School education staff mobility Mobility of youth workers Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field Volunteering Projects Youth Dialogue Projects Strategic Partnerships for higher education Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only Dialogue between young people and policy makers Strategic Partnerships for youth Strategic Partnerships for school education Networks - EQF National Coordination Points (European Qualifications Framework) Erasmus accreditation in school education Adult education staff mobility Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training Small-scale partnerships in youth Higher education student and staff mobility Discover EU inclusion action Cooperation partnerships in higher education Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training Cooperation partnerships in adult education Small-scale partnerships in adult education Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness Strategic Partnerships for adult education Erasmus accreditation in vocational education and trainings Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training Small-scale partnerships in school education Cooperation partnerships in school education Partnerships for Creativity School Exchange Partnerships Youth mobility Youth participation activities Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education Mobility of young people Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds Filtern nach Hauptziel Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices Support for policy reform Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Learning Mobility of Individuals Filter nach Organisation Gymnasium Vaduz Samantha Fernandes Da Silva Symbiose Gemeinschaft Verein Flay UNIVERSITAT LIECHTENSTEIN Oberschule Vaduz Vereinigung Bäuerlicher Organisationen Realschule Triesen REGIERUNG DES FURSTENTUMS LIECHTENSTEIN Theater am Kirchplatz eG Gemeindeschulen Schaan Pfadfinder & Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins Verein Kipu Förderverein Worldskills Liechtenstein kubus Kulturvermittlung WRITE 2015 Kunstschule Liechtenstein Kunstverein Schichtwechsel NetzWerk Verein CIPRA International Sytem Design Consulting Prospero AG Hübner Management GmbH AGENTUR FUR INTERNATIONALE BILDUNGSANGELEGENHEITEN Kleinheisterkamp Europäisches Institut für interkulturelle und interreligiöse Forschung Special Olympics Liechtenstein Foundation thyssenkrupp Presta AG LIECHTENSTEIN-INSTITUT Liechtensteiner Forstverein Verein Jugendrat in Liechtenstein Realschule Balzers i-smARt Trust reg. Stiftung für Heilpädagogische Hilfe in Liechtenstein Verein für Menschen mit Demenz in Liechtenstein Verein Pro Partizipation FORMATIO BILDUNGS - ANSTALT Stefanus Liechtenstein e.V. Dr. Felix Schüßler Biohof Verein Institut für Sprachkurse und Bildungsreisen AG Triagonal AG TCL - Tanzclub Liechtenstein Verein Symbiose Bildungshaus Gutenberg Afro- brasilianischer Kampftanzverein Ideal Capoeira Football is more Europäische Jugendbegleiter/Jugendbegleiterinnen Liechtenstein (EJL) Verein für Betreutes Wohnen in Liechtenstein / Sozialpädagogische Jugendwohngruppe Alpenverein Liechtenstein Perfact Consulting (Liechtenstein) GmbH Verein aha-Jugendinformation Liechtenstein Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein Fluechtlingshilfe Liechtenstein Liechtensteinische Industrie- und Handelskammer (LIHK); Realschule Vaduz Offene Jugendarbeit Liechtenstein Gemeindeschule Schellenberg pro action learning Ltd Verein SKS Integrationshilfe Oberschule Eschen Haus Gutenberg Gemeindeschulen Balzers Freecrowd Meet Your Purpose Genossenschaft Filter nach Partnerländer AT LU FI DE ME MK DK SM PT ES SE PS FR BG LT IE NO AL IT SI HR MT CZ CA UK HU BR CH LV UA EE PL RU NL RO MD BO RS GR AD SK GE BE CY EL LI IS TR Filter zurücksetzen Liste Kacheln